Recycling or Reusing

In Somerset, 91% of us are actively recycling.And when it comes to food waste recycling, 72% of households are recycling. This is just one of many ways you can help the planet and be more eco friendly.

Our Churches recycle or re-purpose  items wherever possible to keep its carbon footprint as low as possible and ensure longevity of materials that may otherwise end up in landfill

Somerset has a brilliant system for repairing things: The Fixy Van – goes around and mends things, and collects old IT, and tests portable appliances [PAT].See the website for places and dates. shops – pop-up shops that can fix your bike or your curtains or sharpen your tools or mend your chairs or….all sorts of stuff. See the website for places and dates. take-back – tech items are data-wiped, repaired, and passed to schools and groups and families. See the website for how to donate.



  1. You can recycle your soft plastics such as carrier bags and freezer food bags at most local supermarkets now. Look out for the soft plastics recycling bins at Aldis, Morrisons and Coop to name a few
  2. Dunelm now have facility to recycle your old used duvet in store
  3. Most local supermarkets now have bins for you to recycle those old AA and AAA batteries you have lying around


  1. Donating old clothes to charity shops is a great way to extend the life of your clothes rather than throwing away
  2. Donating old blankets to pet shelters are always gratefully received
  3. Scrap paper is always great to save up and give to little ones to practice their arts and crafts on