Teaching our Children to be ECO friendly and Become Young Eco Warriors!

The below website has lots of ideas of how we can incorporate eco learning to our children within the church


Being an eco-warrior means doing a bit of digging! Not physocal diggong but gathering information. The internet is your friend here - plus your eyes [and maybe a piece of paper and a pencil...]

Let's start with your school....is it eco-friendly? There's a quiz on the eco-schools website that will start the journey:


Take a look and do the quiz, It will help you decide where your school needs to do some eco-work. Schools can become eco-schools, but there are lots of quite small and easy things you can do as well to help:

Look around the Classroom Are there recycling boxes? Are they being used enough? Has your class got an Eco Monitor, who checks lights are switched off, doors are closed in cold weather, recycling bins are emptied, makes posters and labels to remind everyone, or any other 'eco' jobs?

Look around the Canteen Are there vegetarian options? Is it easy to recycle waste? Is there any way to reduce food waste?

Look around the Outside  Are there racks for bikes and scooters? Is it worth doing a survey of how people get to school [bike - walk - car - pogo stick - swim - etc], and then trying to change this to more sustainable travel - have you heard of a Walking Bus [google it]? Can you organise litter-picks [that way you'll find out what exactly gets thrown away]? Does your school have a bug hotel, or bird and bat boxes?Do you have a 'wild' area, and are there lots of plants for carbon capture? Are there water butts?

Look around the Toilets  Does the school use water hippos? [google them!] What about recycled toilet paper [no - it's just recycled ordinary paper that is turned into toilet paper - don't be silly...]

TALK to other people, you will be surprised how many people want to do something, but haven't found a way of getting involved. It's always easier to do things together.