Bridgwater Methodist Church, Monmouth Street, Bridgwater, TA6 5EQ. Tel 01279 322497
Senior Steward - Jane Allin
Times of Worship
Junior Church at all morning services
Sundays at 10.30am
The Church has a sound system and screens and projectors. Hymn books, including Singing the Faith, Hymns and Psalms and Mission appraise. Singing the Faith CDs are available to to accompany singing and the congregation is open to all types of music in worship.
The Church also has an organist who can play both organ and piano.
Other Activities
Messy Church 3rd Saturday of the month 1.30pm-3pm
Toddler Group every Friday 9.30am-1pm
Rooms for Hire
The Church has several rooms including a large hall available for hire. Please use the contact section of the website for more information.